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LOOK: Michael V's touching birthday surprise for wife Carol

Pepito Manaloto star Michael V made sure that he gave his wife Carol Bunagan a special surprise on her 46th birthday.
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In a post in Carol’s Instagram yesterday (July 05), she shared with netizens the colorful greeting cards she received from her husband. 
She also personally thanked Michael V for the birthday surprised he pulled off and was emotionally touched.
She added that being married to the Kapuso comedian makes her life worth living. 
She said, ““One surprise after another and my birthday has just started. I must say @michaelbitoy, you outdid yourself yet again. That was a wonderful surprise you managed to pull off with a "little" help from the [Savers Club] @briannabunagan that literally made me tear up. Love the pop-up flowers, more so your messages. I feel so blessed, [I] can't think of anything more to wish for myself. I have a loving family, true friends, a good life... pretty much everything [I] need. Let me just say THANK YOU and know that y'all are the reason why my life is worth living. I love you all so much.” 

Carol and Beethoven (Michael V’s real name) have been married for almost 24 years and they have four kids: Milo, Yani, Migo, and Maypaul. 
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Meanwhile, Michael V also greeted his wife on social media by posting a photo of them together. In the caption, he wrote a short but sweet message. 

Happy Birthday Ms. Carol Bunagan!