Showbiz News

Andre Paras and Derrick Monasterio: Hot gym buddies

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Four thumbs up

Andre poses with one of Coach Froilan's co-coaches, Tina. 

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Secret drink

Is that drink the secret to Derrick's abs? 

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Pump it up!

Andre works hard to get arms of steel.

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Man and machine

Derrick makes working out look like child's play.

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Andre in action

Go Andre, lift those weights!

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Andre Paras

He's the man!

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Derrick Monasterio

Derrick's arms are the talk of the town. 

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Derrick's biceps

Good job on those biceps Derrick!

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Andre's biceps

Andre shows off his biceps too!

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Hot biceps

Need we say more?

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Gym buddies

Andre and Derrick, certified gym rats!