Showbiz News

The Healer: Meet Juno Seo


Juno Seo (Ji Chang Wook) goes by his code name “Healer,” a mysterious night errand guy who is regarded as a middleman? in illegal transactions. “Healer” only has one condition when accepting a job: his identity should not be revealed, and in return he, too, will never know who he is working for. But despite his brooding aura and outstanding combat skills, Juno only really wishes to save enough money from his night job to someday build a bamboo house in a deserted island across the south Pacific Ocean and eventually live there alone.

Everything changes when he meets reporter Yasmin Chae (Park Min Young.) Soon, the lonesome wolf starts becoming interested in the world he wanted to abandon. Will his heart change because of Yasmin?

Get to know more about Juno in The Healer, this July 25 in GMA’s Heart of Asia.