Showbiz News

Mikael and Andrea guest in a game show in Cambodia

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Mikael and Andrea practicing

Andrea stacked her cups before Mikael did

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Andrea practicing

The adorable Andrea practicing for the game

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Andrea practicing for game

She's taking this seriously

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Mikael and Andrea practicing for the game

Mikael watches the very focused Andrea

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MikAnd love team joint effort

What an adorable love team!

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Mikael's game face

Mikael puts his game face on 

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Mikael, Andrea and host

MikAnd sits with the host in between takes

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Mikael and Andrea on Khmer game show

Let the games begin!

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Andrea enjoying the games

Andrea beams at the audience

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Mikael enjoying the games

Mikael seems to be having a blast

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Mikael's moment of triumph

Mikael sports the look of victory

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MikAnd play for charity

The love team meets their beneficiaries

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MikAnd with kids

What a cute moment between Mikael and the kid!

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Mikael and Andrea with teammates and host

Good game, Mikael and Andrea!

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MikAnd play for Khmer orphanage

Congratulations, MikAnd!
