Showbiz News

Behind-the-scenes: Andrea Torres and Mikael Daez shoot 'Fight for Love' in Cambodia

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Mikael BTS

Hi from this charmer

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Mikael acting

Mikael internalizes for a scene

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Mikael Daez and Hazel Abonita

Mikael reviews his script with the help of GMA Program Manager Ms. Hazel Abonita

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Mikael mad at Sokeat

Who is Mikael mad at?

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Mikael's Bokator training

This fighter is Bokator-ready

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MikAnd scriptreading

Script-reading session between the Kapuso love team

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MikAnd kiss

Everyone should watch out for this scene!

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MikAnd and Ken Simpson

Mikael and Andrea with Director Ken Simpson

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MikAnd and co-stars

Wacky photo op on set

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Andrea acting

Andrea doesn't seem pleased

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Script-reading with director

Team script-reading session

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Final scene

Adorable love team!
