Showbiz News

READ: Statement of Kris Aquino's lawyer in connection to the criminal cases filed against Atty. Jesus Falcis

By Rowena Alcaraz

Kris Aquino's legal battle against Atty. Jesus Falcis has just begun with the former filing 9 counts of cyberlibel yesterday at the Department of Justice.

Following the turn of events, Kris's lawyer Atty. Ricky dela Cruz of Divina Law issued an official statement posted on the celebrity's Instagram account.

Kris Aquino files cyberlibel raps vs. ex-business partner's brother

It reads:

"We filed criminal cases for 9 counts of cyberlibel today at the DOJ against Atty. Jesus Nicardo Falcis III. He made malicious and defamatory statements against our client, Ms. Kris Aquino. We will now make him accountable.

"Ms. Kris Aquino opted to respond to the malicious accusations hurled against her through the legal process. Because she believes that this is the right thing to do. She has full faith in the Philippine justice system. She knows that we are all equal in the eyes of the law.

"Ms. Kris respects our prosecutors and she now leaves it to them to start the legal process. We believe that Ms. Kris Aquino will get JUSTICE because TRUTH IS ON HER SIDE."

Atty. Jesus Falcis is the brother of Nicko, Kris's former business manager in charge of KCAP and endorsement negotiations.

Kris has filed 44 counts of qualified theft complaint against Nicko after the discovery of financial abuse in September 2018.

Kris Aquino victim of financial abuse and betrayal