Showbiz News

Yassi Pressman's sister, Issa Pressman comes out as bisexual

By Aedrianne Acar

The youngest sister of former Tween Hearts star Yassi Pressman came clean about her sexual orientation and her relationship.

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Former TV5 actress Issa Pressman in a video of toothpaste brand Close Up admitted that she is bisexual and is happily in love with Marga Bermudez, a singer who is more popularly known as Marga On the Mic.

The video has so far generated over 175,000 views.

In the Youtube video, Issa shared that her family was so supportive when they found out that she is bisexual.

“Because my famiy is quite small and we're only four in the family. I think it was just the way that I had to introduce myself to them, of like 'liking girls, liking guys.' That's me. That's who I am.

“For them it was just like, 'If you're happy with what you're doing, if you think that you're doing is something that would make you happy, could make you happy then go ahead.'”

Watch the full video below: