Showbiz News

Catriona Gray picks Mak Tumang's 'lava gown' because of mother's dream

By Bianca Geli

In an interview with n the American TV show Good Day New York, Catriona Gray shared why she decided to wear the Mayon Volcano-inspired red gown by Filipino designer Mak Tumang in the Miss Universe 2018 pageant.

Catriona Gray

Catriona said, “I was around thirteen years old, I didn't think much of pageants then. I didn't really pay attention or have any interest. My mom (Normita Magnayon) came to me one morning and said 'Honey, I had a dream that you won Miss Universe in a red dress.'"

She remembered her mother's dream when she chose her evening gown.

“When I was thinking of my evening gown for Miss Universe, that's what came to my mind. That was sentimental for me, I said, 'Mom, you told me you dreamt that so I'm going to wear a red dress.'"

The beauty queen also revealed that joining pageantry is her personal choice.

“I'm a very strong-headed person and I like to explore what I want to do. I'm very thankful that my parents have always been supportive but I never had the dream of being a beauty queen but here I am.”

READ: Catriona Gray at the start of her Miss Universe media week: 'Filipino fans are the best fans in the world!'

READ: Catriona Gray at the start of her Miss Universe media week: 'Filipino fans are the best fans in the world!'