Showbiz News

IN PHOTOS: DongYan and Baby Zia's vacation in Balesin

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Marian Rivera

Marian celebrated her birthday in Balesin with her family. 

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Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera share a sweet photo during their trip.

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Primetime Queen

Marian showcased her goddess-like features.

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Daddy Dingdong, Mommy Marian, and the adorable Baby Zia.

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Dantes family

The Dantes clan is also part of the Balesin trip.

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Auntie Vicki Dantes

Auntie Vicki Dantes's morning talk with Baby Zia. 

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Dantes ladies

Dantes ladies Vicki Dantes, Aya Dantes Aurelio, and Trina Dantes Quema having fun under the sun.

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Rivera women

Birthday girl's celebration will not be complete without Marian's mom Amalia and grandmother Francisca
