Showbiz News

DJ Mo Twister feels broken over the loss of his brother-in-law to COVID-19

By Cara Emmeline Garcia

On April 21st, Mo Twister's wife Angelika “Angelicopter” Scheming lost her brother, Francis, to the coronavirus pandemic.

At a loss for words, the Good Times with Mo DJ spoke up on Instagram to discuss their painful loss and how it has affected him and his mourning wife.

He wrote, “My wife lost her only brother yesterday to the coronavirus. I can't even begin to put into words how devastated she is. I have never seen her this way. He was 38.

“I have never seen someone I care about so broken.

"I've been crying for days, not just for the loss of my brother-in-law, but for the pain it has caused my wife, her mother, and what will come for Francis' wife and son.”

He then enumerated how the pandemic has affected their grieving process since Francis's death.

“It's two parts really --- the shock of losing him and then the shock of not even being able to be together to comfort each other.

“His young son is now isolated, he needs to be isolated from others who have been in contact. My mother in law is isolated after losing his son. His wife has to be isolated. It's crazy to think of that.

“They can't be together. It's unbelievable.”

Mo Twister recalled how early this year, he claimed that the virus shouldn't be a "humanity killer and that we can learn from it."

He adds, “I'm not a doctor, I don't have science behind that statement. I just knew if we are careful we should survive it.

"[Now] I'm not so sure anymore.”

Still lamenting over the loss of a loved one, Mo Twister confessed that Francis has left a huge mark in their lives.

“Well, even if we do survive it, it has taken so much life out of my wife and her family and that sh*t is permanent.

“It will leave a hole so big in our lives forever that I don't care for the lessons we will learn. I'm only focused on what was lost.

“He wasn't just a young man, he was a good man.

“He did not deserve this. His young son didn't deserve it. If we were so loved, good people like him shouldn't be taken this way.”

Mo Twister then concluded his post by saying how he wished he could've gotten a degree in medicine to prevent the misfortune for his wife.

“This day will test my spirit and my resolve.

“Today, I wish I had a degree in infectious diseases because I would be f*cking relentless and obsessed in stopping this thing, for my wife.”

In the comments section, various celebrities and personalities from the radio industry sent their regards to the grieving couple and shared how they felt “heartbroken” reading Mo Twister's post.

Celebrities' comments on Mo Twister's post. / Source @djmotwister (IG)

IN PHOTOS: Angelicopter, the special woman in Mo Twister's life

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