Showbiz News

Miss Teen USA 2020 Ki'ilani Arruda hopes to visit the Philippines after the pandemic

By Dianara Alegre

The newly crowned Miss Teen USA 2020 Ki'ilani Arruda, a Filipino-American beauty queen, shared that although she grew up in Hawaii, Filipino culture is very much alive in her household.

Source: kiilani.kauai

“Lumpia, oh my gosh, is my favorite. We always make pork adobo at home and so many other dishes. Halo-halo is one of my favorites,” she said on 24 Oras.

“Family gatherings are really important to us and coming together and sharing a meal together,” she added.

Ki'ilani also hopes to go to the Philippines once the pandemic is over.

Meanwhile, aside from the newly crowned queen, other contestants such as Miss Teen USA First runner up Miss Teen Idaho Sabrina Ripley and Miss Teen Washington Marianne Bautista were of Filipino descent.

“Miss Washington Teen, she's actually a full Filipina, too. And she gifted these earrings from the Philippines, so that's why I'm wearing them now, and I like them so much,” she shared.

Ki'ilani likewise shared that her skincare specialist, Olivia Quido, is also a Filipina.