Arra San Agustin shares recipe for fruit-infused ice cubes in Taste MNL

By Patricia Isabella Romarate

Arra San Agustin makes sure to stay healthy while under home quarantine by following a workout routine and, of course, consuming nutritious food and drink.

In the recent #quARRAntine episode of Taste MNL, the foodie host shared a refreshment hack for you to keep the summer heat at bay-the recipe for Fruit Infused Ice Cubes!

“Did you know that drinking fruit infused water can help boost your immune system?

“It aids in heartburn prevention, weight management, as well as blood sugar regulation.”

“So, why don't you guys try it?” she said.

Here are the basic ingredients:

  • Your own choice of fruit(s)
  • Ice cube tray
  • A glass or pitcher of water

For her recipe, Arra used orange, kiwi, apple, and lemon.

The first step is to slice the fruits into little wedges. Next, put the fruit wedges on the ice cube trays and add water afterward. Then, let it freeze for a couple of hours.

As a result, you should see the fruits frozen as iced cubes!

Fruit Infused Ice Cubes

Screenshot from Taste MNL

Dalgona Coffee recipe by Arra San Agustin

Watch the #quARRAntine episode of Taste MNL here: