Recipe: CDO Ulam Burger Burrito


2 pcs CDO Ulam Burger patties, cut into cubes
1 1/2 cup rice, cooked rice
1 pc onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp taco seasoning
1 pc bell pepper, cut into dice
1/4 cup tomato sauce
1⁄2 cup grated cheese
2 tbsp. oil
Salt and pepper to taste
2 pcs. 10 inch flour tortilla


Pan fry CDO Ulam Burger until brown. Cut in half then set aside.
In the same pan, sauté onions and garlic in oil.
Add bell pepper. Sauté for another minute.
Toss in cooked rice then add tomato sauce.
Season with salt and pepper and taco seasoning.
Mix well then set aside, let it cool.
Put mixture on flour tortilla, top it with CDO ulam burger strips then sprinkle with cheese, then wrap like a burrito.
You can serve it with sour cream and hot sauce.