
No decision yet on Palace run but Gordon eyeing public health person as possible VP in Eleksyon 2022


Senator Richard Gordon said Tuesday he would tap a person who is knowledgeable about public health as a possible running mate should he decide to run for president in the May 2022 elections.

Gordon told reporters in an online briefing that he is talking to a medical doctor whose identity he did not disclose.

“I’m looking for a public health person. We have to get out of COVID. And I will need somebody other than my secretary of health and other than the Congress to be sure that somebody’s on the ball,” said Gordon, who is also chairman of the Philippine Red Cross.

“I will just say that he’s got to have public health experience because that is a problem. We have to keep our people healthy.”

Should he become president, Gordon vowed not to treat the vice president as a “flower vase” although that person must have a good track record.


“Certainly somebody who can help, who will not be treated as a flower vase. Somebody that is relevant,” he said.

Gordon is expected to decide whether to run for president either in September or October. He said he would consult his wife on his political plans.

His other options include seeking another term in the Senate, returning to Olongapo City to run for mayor, or retirement from politics.

“I don’t think I want to be vice president,” he said.

Gordon ran for president in 2010 but lost to the late Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III. — RSJ, GMA News