
DOH: 9K COVID-19 cases daily seen by end September to October


The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday said at least 9,000 COVID-19 cases daily are seen by the end of September to October if the minimum health protocols will not be complied following the resumption of face-to-face classes.

At a press briefing, DOH officer-in-charge Maria Rosario Vergeire noted the increase in the mobility patterns on the first week of the resumption of face-to-face classes compared to the previous weeks. 

“Based on our projections which is already updated because of the opening classes maaring tumaas hanggang 9,000 daily cases dito sa bansa pagdating ng end of September hanggang October kung magtutuloy-tuloy na hindi natin mabigyan ng karampatang lunas like complying with minimum public health standards at saka syempre 'yung pagpapabakuna tumaas din,” Vergeire said.

(Based on our projections which are already updated because of the opening classes, COVID-19 cases may increase to 9,000 daily by the end of September to October if we minimum public health standards will not be followed and then of course the vaccination.)

“Ngayong nag-umpisa ang klase na maraming lumalabas especially 'yung mga bata nandyan na plus 'yung mga magulang na naghahatid sa mga bata, talagang nakita natin na tumaas 'yung mobility patterns compared to the previous weeks. So with that pag tinignan natin 'yung cycle ng transmission ng sakit, dadami at pataas 'yung factors na pwedeng makaapekto sa mga kaso ngayon. So we agree, the probability is there,” she added.

(Sinces classes have started and a lot of people are going out especially the children and the parents who bring them to school, we really saw an increase in the mobility patterns compared to the previous weeks. So with that when we look at the cycle of disease transmission, the factors that can affect cases will also increase. So we agree, the probability is there.)

She, however, said these projections may or may not happen depending on the compliance to the minimum public health protocols and vaccination against COVID-19.

Asked if the DOH will recommend the suspension of face-to-face classes, Vergeire said they are not keen on doing that but they advised the public to be vigilant and observe safety protocols.

“As long as we comply with safety protocols and receive our vaccines, this projection will not happen. We are not recommending that we stop classes, what we recommend is for all to be vigilant and observe safety protocols and get vaccinated once eligible,” Vergeire told GMA News Online.

Meanwhile, the Health official said the daily average of 3,231 COVID-19 cases recorded nationwide is 14% lower than the previous week.

“Yung patuloy po na pagpaplateu ng kaso sa Pilipinas, sa ngayon po ang daily average natin nationally is 3,231 this is 14% lower than the previous week, ang previous week ang daily average case natin nationally is 3,755,” she said.

(The continued plateauing of cases in the Philippines, right now our daily average nationally is 3,231, this is 14% lower than the previous week daily average of 3,755 cases.)

“Gayundin sa NCR, we are seeing that decline although ayaw natin muna i-confirm that really the decline is parang being sustained. Gusto pa rin natin mag-obserba pero pareho sila ng national pati positivity rate natin tayo po ay bumababa nagpaplateu po tayo,” she added.

(Also in the NCR, we are seeing that decline although we don't want to confirm it yet until we can see that it is sustained. We still want to observe but it is similar to the national trend and the positivity rate. We are plateauing.)


Based on the DOH’s data, severe and critical cases remain below 1,000 while it also “shows signs of plateauing.”

The DOH said Mindanao shows an increase in COVID-19 cases, while Visayas region is on a plateau and the rest of the areas exhibit a slow downward trend.

The Health department, however, did not elaborate the said data.

Vaccination update

More than 72.4 million Filipinos have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as of August 22, according to the DOH.

Meanwhile, at least 6.8 million senior citizens are already inoculated, while more than 9.8 million adolescents along with more than 4.6 million children are fully vaccinated.

Over 17.7 million individuals have received their first booster dose and more than two million Filipinos have received their second booster shot.

For the PinasLakas Campaign, the DOH said at least 22,688 senior citizens have been vaccinated out of the 1.07 million target as of August 24.

Meanwhile, a total of 1,920,131 individuals of the 23 million target received their first booster shot.

Vergeire earlier said the campaign dubbed “PinasLakas” aims to give booster shots to 23.8 million Filipinos within the first 100 days of the Marcos administration.

To date, the DOH said more than 19,279 “PinasLakas” vaccination sites have been launched all over the country. These include markets, schools, workplaces, terminals, places of worship, and mobile vaccination sites, among others, where free, safe, and effective vaccines are made available.—AOL, GMA News