Celebrity Life

Five things you should never put on your face

By Bianca Geli

Nowadays, there are so many skincare beauty products you can buy and use for your face. There are also a lot of home remedies for different skin issues. What's interesting to know though is that some popular skincare products and home remedies are actually bad for the face.

Swedish board-certified dermatologist Dr. Liv Kraemer, M.D., Ph.D. shed light about some of the common mistakes people make with skincare products on her YouTube channel.

Here's a list of products to avoid putting on your face for a healthier complexion:


Lemon is one of nature's healthiest fruits, but Dr. Liv says it's best to keep it off your face. “Lemons have citric acid. Putting lemons on the face is a big no-no, you'll damage your skin and get pigmentation.” Hence, leaving it on your face (without any buffer or mixture) is bad for the skin's Ph levels. Dr. Liv advises, “Eat it, drink it, but stop putting it on your face.”


Vaseline is a popular skincare product that can be used for almost everywhere in the body except for the face. Why? Dr. Liv answers, “Vaseline is actually a covering agent, just think, you have bacteria on your face and you're covering it up. The bacteria will keep growing underneath. You're making yourself get more pimples.”

Baking Soda

Despite the many myths behind baking soda's wonders, it should not be used for the face. Dr. Liv reveals, “The only thing it will do to your skin, is harm it.” She added, “Baking Soda is shifting the Ph level of your skin to more alkalinity, it makes the skin imbalanced. Different bacteria will grow and some bacteria won't be killed. It's supposed to be in your kitchen, but not on your skin.”


It's a common myth that toothpaste is a simple way to dry out pimples. But Dr. Liv says, “It's an abrasive to take out plaque. In combination with sunlight, this ingredient irritates your skin you so you'll get more problems. It's for your teeth, not on your face, not on your pimple,” she explains.


While there are different kinds of oil and some can be used for makeup removal and the hair, it should not be left on the skin to dry. Dr. Liv says, “If you can put oil on your skin, it's like putting on closure and it can breed bacteria and worsen inflammation. You can put it on your hair but never on your face.” She adds, “You can remove your makeup with oil, but you should still clean it afterwards.”

For more skincare tips watch this video: