Celebrity Life

Doug Kramer on Chesca Garcia: 'You're stronger than me'

By Bianca Geli

Team Kramer dad Doug Kramer is celebrating not just his youngest kid Gavin's ninth birthday, but also his wife Chesca's brave childbearing story.

In an Instagram post, Doug gave tribute to Chesca and recalled how she made it through three pregnancies in five years--all of which were delivered in the caesarian section.

Doug wrote, "9 yrs ago today.

"I know it's Gavin's birthday. But before my birthday greeting post. First, I wanna show love and appreciation to my wife @chekakramer.

"Every time we celebrate our children's birthdays, I also celebrate a successful pregnancy and delivery.

"Honey, 3 pregnancies in 5 yrs, 2 of which are almost back to back years with Scarlett then Gavin. 3 c-sections because of complications.

"You're stronger than me, really.

"So today as I celebrate our baby boy's birthday, I wanna thank you honey, for blessing me with my little man.

"My son will try to imitate me everyday, and the one who will carry our last name. I love you @chekakramer!"

Chesca Garcia-Kramer also wrote a message for Gavin. She shared a photo of her with Gavin in an embrace and wrote a message for her son.

"My Dearest Gavin,

"Today is your special day and you ought to know just how special you're to all those who know you. Every day I get to witness the genuine person that you are. You bless my life more than you will ever know just by witnessing the purity of your soul.

"You're kind, and compassionate. You're sweet, gentle and understanding.

"I will never forget the time when we were doing Bible together and we were talking about Jesus and you asked me what it meant to follow him and have a child -like faith.

"I told you that it is faith that doesn't doubt, it just believes. Then I proceeded to ask you if you believe that Jesus died for us and our sins because he loves us so much and wants us to spend eternity with him. You answered me unhesitatingly with a definitive, Yes!

"But ,what you said caught me by surprise. You said, "Mama, I love Jesus so much I feel it in my stomach." I hugged you so tight and joy filled my heart. I'll never forget what you said. I tried to think of that kind of love that makes your inside flutter and flip flop with excitement. Love that is felt heart, mind, body and soul. What a feeling!

"May you never lose that genuineness in you, that purity and that love that is faith-filled.

"Gavin, these are the moments I treasure. They are gold to me and I keep notes of what you say and read them with much delight. As you grow up, may never lose yourself to the world, but instead, my prayer is for you to always walk in God's path. May you always have that childlike faith wherever you go, My Boy.

"I love you so much! I love you deeply that words are not enough. Happy Birthday My Son! I hope you know how special you're and how you touch my life and teach me each and every day.

"Enjoy your very special day @gavinkramer!"

Meanwhile, the parents of three admitted that they've been planning having a fourth child, and have even tried in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Check out Team Kramer's beautiful mountaintop home here: