Showbiz News

Alessandra de Rossi hears the plight of medical workers; asks for fair treatment

By Cara Emmeline Garcia

Actress Alessandra de Rossi is siding with health workers in their request for a "time out" to President Rodrigo Duterte on Saturday, August 1.

On Twitter, the Through Night and Day actress defended her sister, Assunta de Rossi, who mentioned about their household getting a swab test every three weeks.

She replied to Assunta, "Hospitals! Please pass 'til makarating sa kinauukulan... Chot."

A netizen replied to Alessandra's tweet, "Your sister is very rich. What can I say?"

Taken aback, Alessandra chided, "Walang kinalaman ang rich dito. For the medical frontliners man lang sana sa hospitals.

"Dapat may batas o budget na para sa kanila. Para fair.

"Mandatory ba o kanya kanya na lang ba ito? 'Yun lang naman.

"Don't rich, rich. It's malasakit. You get what you give."

A netizen, who is a frontliner, read the comments and shared, "Para ngang kasalanan pa namin kung magkaroon kami ng COVID.

"It's sad, lalo na for health workers under private companies.

"Kanya kanya kami ng bayad sa swab testing. Tapos, pag nag-quarantine ka, no work, no pay pa."

To which the Alessandra replied, "Yun nga e. Tapos kasalanan pa ng rich kay Greg. Basa basa ka kaya.

"I'm with the doctors here.

"Malasakit. Sana may ganun sa sitwasyon nila. Sana may magsabi. Ako na ba 'to?"


Following the reports of Senator Cynthia Villar's remarks on health care workers, Alessandra responded to the news by writing, "Kill them with kindness at least!"

She said on Twitter, "Lahat nagkakasakit sa pagbubuti nilang mapagaling ang mundo.

"'Wag po nating silang pabayaan dahil sila rin ang kailangan natin 'pag tayo na ang magkasakit."

She also commented on a Facebook commenter who said medical frontliners should be "ready palagi sa giyera" and that they shouldn't "cry" in the middle of the pandemic.

It added, "Ano kayo hilo at pa-cute? Kailangang lumaban para manalo."

To which Alessandra replied, "Ba't 'di na lang siya ang sumabak sa giyera kaysa magpa-cute sa Facebook? #PleaseRespectOurMedicalFrontliners."

As of this writing, President Rodrigo Duterte has announced a modified enhanced community quarantine in Metro Manila despite the appeal of various medical groups for an enhanced community quarantine.