Showbiz News

Gabbi Garcia unboxes YouTube Gold Play Button during her livestream

By Felix Ilaya

Gabbi Garcia and Khalil Ramos went live on YouTube for a chill wine night and live unboxing of Gabbi's YouTube Gold Play Button.

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During their livestream, Gabbi felt a rush of emotions as she unboxed her very own Gold Play Button. She also dedicated the award not just to herself and Khalil but to their subscribers as well for making this possible.

Aside from the unboxing, the couple also answered a few questions sent to them by fans.

Watch Gabbi and Khalil live reaction upon opening their Gold Play Button below

The YouTube Gold Play Button is a prestigious plaque awarded to YouTube channels with one million subscribers which Gabbi has achieved last August.

During their previous live stream, Gabbi and Khalil shared their secret on how they make their relationship work.

Gabbi Garcia and Khalil Ramos's sweetest photos