Showbiz News

Frankie Pangilinan reveals confusion over her Filipino language

By Cara Emmeline Garcia

Frankie Pangilinan once again expressed on Twitter her struggles with language but this time, it's not the English dialect.

On the social media site, the 19-year-old writer and singer revealed that she recently found out that her Filipino vocabulary isn't exactly what she thought it would to be.

“I just found out a significant portion of my 'Filipino' vocabulary isn't even 'Filipino' per se because my parents speak a mixture of Tagalog and Kapampangan and didn't bother to discern for us ever.

“So now, I'm vaguely trilingual but I don't know how to split the two languages. Help.”

In a follow-up Tweet, Frankie also shared that she had a heavy Bisaya accent growing up, a characteristic she's learned from their household help.

“Also, growing up I had an aggressive Bisaya accent because my yaya was from Bohol and I didn't know I had an accent until someone told me in public.

“So now you see why I get so anxious speaking Filipino in those contexts.”

She then wrote, “So in conclusion, I was once a Kapampangalog-speaking, Bisaya-accented child. How characteristically chaotic.”

In the comments section, a few of her followers noted how they felt the same way when they used a different dialect in a conversation.

Netizens' share their confusion over Filipino dialects. / Source @kakiep83 (Twitter)

Others described the teenager as unique for knowing three languages at a young age.

Netizens' comments on Frankie Pangilinan's tweet. Source @kakiep83 (Twitter)

In 1940, the Filipino language was hailed as the national language of the Philippines through the passing of the Commonwealth Act No. 570. Filipino uses a standardized variety of Tagalog language together with other regional languages widely spoken in the Philippines.

Today's Filipino language is best described as “Tagalog-based” as they are linguistically the same -- sharing, among other things, the same grammatical structure.

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