RECIPE: Baked tuna with lemon and mustard sauce ala Tina Paner

By Racquel Quieta

In a recent episode of 'Mars Pa More,' 'That's Entertainment' alumna Tina Paner shared her mouthwatering seafood recipe, Baked Tuna with Lemon and Mustard Sauce.

Tina Paner's Baked Tuna with Lemon and Mustard Sauce / Source: Mars Pa More

Tina said she used to cook the same recipe when she was still living in Barcelona, Spain, but she usually uses salmon as the main ingredient

During the lockdown here in the Philippines, she had a light bulb moment and decided to substitute salmon with tuna.

If you want to recreate this tasty and healthy seafood dish at home, below are the ingredients and procedure.

2 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 tbsp. coconut soy sauce
honey mustard

1. Rub or season the tuna with salt and pepper.
2. Fry the tuna in vegetable oil for a minimum of two minutes on each side.
3. For the lemon-mustard sauce, use the same oil and add coconut soy sauce and honey mustard.
4. Mix thoroughly until the sauce thickens.
5. Coat baking dish with oil.
6. Put 1 layer of potatoes, lemon, tomatoes, and onions.
7. Drizzle with oil and the sauce before cooking.
8. Bake for ten minutes inside preheated oven (200 degrees Celsius)

Watch and learn how to make Baked Tuna with Lemon and Mustard Sauce with Tina Paner in the 'Mars Pa More' video above.

If the video above is not loading properly, you may watch it HERE instead.

For more recipes like this, tune in to 'Mars Pa More' from Monday to Friday, at 8:45 a.m. on GMA-7.

And for more lifestyle content, head out to GMA's Lifestyle page.

Check out also Mavy Legaspi's Tuna Fried Rice recipe.