Celebrity Life

IN PHOTOS: The quarantined life of the Legaspi family

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Legaspi family

Like other celebrities, Carmina Zoren, Mavy, and Cassy Legaspi also experienced an unexpected break from work during quarantine.

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They took this chance to appreciate their time together.

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The Legaspi family used their time to exercise for a healthier body.

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'Sarap, 'Di Ba? Bahay Edition'

They have also started filming 'Sarap, 'Di Ba? Bahay Edition.' at home. Zoren joined Carmina, Mavy, and Cassy as a co-host and director.

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Mavy and Cassy

Mavy and Cassy are also hands-on when it comes to the filming process of their show at home.

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Carmina celebrated her birthday at home and received a surprise from her family.

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Carmina loved the surprise

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Mavy's haircut

After months of not going out, Mavy finally got his haircut. This was documented and was part of Carmina's vlog on her YouTube channel.

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 Fun family videos

Other fun family videos during quarantine can also be seen in Carmina's YouTube channel .

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Cassy's YouTube channel

Cassy also launched her YouTube channel during this period.

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Cooking skills

Carmina showcased her cooking skills on her YouTube channel.

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On her YouTube channel, Carmina showed the new normal bonding moment with her friends, Candy Pangilinan, Janice and Gelli de Belen.

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Swab test

Carmina showed what happened when they had their swab test for a new project.

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Mavy and Cassy Legaspi's birthday

Mavy and Cassy Legaspi celebrated their 20th birthday at home.

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Lock-in taping

According to Carmina Villarroel, it's always hard to leave her family behind for lock-in tapings.

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Zoren Legaspi shared how they visited Cassy Legaspi in her lock-in taping for 'My First Yaya'

"We visited @cassy but we were not allowed to go near her(she has been locked in for almost a month)...a simple wave will do for now ️️️ @mavylegaspi is the foreground. @mina_villarroel is at the back seat. I took the photo."

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Tatay's birthday

Carmina Villarroel uploaded a photo that showed how Cassy Legaspi greeted tatay Zoren Legaspi while she was in lock-in taping.