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#KinayaNiMama videos get more than 1 million views on Facebook

The GMA News and Public Affairs team released the series of three videos for Mother’s Day and each showed the great lengths that mothers would go through to help their children achieve their dreams.

Apart from being a cry fest, two of the three #KinayaNiMama videos have become millionaires, that is, they have generated a million views each on Facebook.

There's Nanita Ronquillo, a fish vendor who helped her son become a doctor through her meager earnings. On Facebook, it’s gotten 1.7 million views, and a slew of compassionate comments.

And then there was Nanay Sinta, who at 83, still pushes her vegetable cart on the daily just to support her blind daughter. Her story generated a million views.

Not as popular but just as heart-clutching, is Marissa Casonete a widow supporting her seven children by being a jeepney barker.

We know. We're not  crying. You are. — LA, GMA News

Tags: kinayanimama