#SalamatPa: Garbage collector’s family gets help from int’l NGO after story airs

The family of garbage collector Tatay Cristito Quimado, who was featured on GMA News and Public Affairs' DigiDokyu on Father's Day, has been getting more help than they expected.
The DigiDokyu episode showed how Tatay Cristito works hard at his job every day, waking up at 3 a.m. to collect other people's trash—and often injuries from picking up broken glass—just to put his four children to school.
The video also showed his daughter Jenny Rose, who has graduated from college with a degree in Nutrition and Food Technology, talking about how grateful she is to her father and how proud she is of him, and how she plans to start working so that she can help support her siblings' schooling as well.
There has been a welcome development in the family's story since their feature aired on DigiDokyu.
On Facebook, Jenny Rose said that an international non-profit, Lifted International, was moved by their online video and offered to extend some help to the family through a message last July.
Jenny Rose and her siblings met Lifted's Norm Schriever in August when he flew to the Philippines.
In the caption of her Facebook post, Jenny Rose expressed her gratitude to Norm and to everyone who has reached out to help her family.
The father and daughter were featured on the #SalamatPa series of GMA News And Public Affairs on Father's Day. — Jannielyn Ann Bigtas/BM, GMA News