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Waze responds to Rufa Mae Quinto's 'audition video', instructs how she can create her own Waze Voice

A lot people took delight on Rufa Mae Quinto’s  Waze audition video, so much so that it trended that week and received a lot of media attention.

Barely one week after Rufa Mae posted it on YouTube, Waze responds on Twitter.



“No need to audition,” Waze began, before giving instructions on how to make her very own Waze Voice.

“Bonus: you can share them with everyone via a link,” Waze added.

Of course Rufa Mae was dumbfounded. On Instagram, she posted a screengrab of the tweet and said “Grabe yung ka tweet ko ang waze and gusto nila ako gumawa ng waze voice ko!”



Well Rufa Mae, here’s hoping you do it please. Don’t forget: You can share with all of us via a link! — LA, GMA News

Tags: rufamae, waze