Celebrity Life

IN PHOTOS: Sustainable living ideas to make your home eco-friendly

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Use renewable energy

Many have opted to install solar panels in their homes to save up on electric bill. Aside from reducing energy bills, another benefit of using solar energy is that it is renewable--unlike fossil fuels--and it doesn't emit greenhouse gases that harm the environment. If you can't afford having solar panels installed at the moment, you may simply use solar-powered lights, equipment, or appliances.

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Recycle plastics

Plastics are notorious for causing air, land, and water pollution. They also cause harm and death to animals--especially marine life--that accidentally consume them or get entangled in them. You can reduce plastic pollution by recycling them. One great way of doing so is by creating eco bricks, which are used as construction materials for homes and buildings.

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Recycle cartons

Although cartons are mostly made of paper, which takes about two to six weeks to decompose, it's still better if you recycle them yourself, to free up space in landfills. Or, if you don't know how to, you can just turn them over at drop-off points for used cartons, so that they can be given a new life by recycling facilities.

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Repurpose old wood and other materials

In order to prevent cutting down more trees, it would be ideal to use reclaimed or salvaged wood in making home decors and furniture, just like what actor-singer Raymond Lauchengco does.

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Use non-plastic food containers

Aim for a zero-waste lifestyle by trading your aluminum foil, plastic wrap, wax paper, and Ziploc bags for lidded canning jars, mason jars, beeswax food wraps, and glass or steel food containers.

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Use cloth towels instead of paper towels

Instead of using tons of paper towels to dry your hands or wipe liquid off your dining table or kitchen sink, use cloth towels. You may have more laundry to do, but at least, you're saving the environment in your own little way.

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Grow your own greens

Having an edible garden at home not only lets you prepare healthy meals, but it'll benefit Mother Earth in many ways. There will be reduced use of harmful chemicals such as pesticides used by some farms to grow vegetables. Moreover, it will prevent erosion, minimize carbon footprint, and provide a home and food source of many animals and insects.

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Use sustainably manufactured clothes, shoes and other products

Another great way to promote sustainability is by supporting brands that practice sustainability in manufacturing their products.

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Donate unused items

Instead of throwing out old clothes or housewares, you can donate them to those in need.

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Avoid wasting food

Don't toss your leftovers into the trash bin. Instead, you may put them in the fridge and consume the next day or transform them into a new dish. Vegetable peels can be used to make vegetable stock. Or, if they go bad, you can just use them to create compost for your garden.