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Report: Facebook users' updates no longer sent to Twitter

Some Facebook users who have linked their Facebook accounts with Twitter are no longer seeing their Facebook posts reflected on the microblogging service, a tech site reported Saturday. The Next Web said this appeared to affect all types of content being forwarded from Facebook to Twitter, including Pages and personal accounts. "It’s worth noting tweets from Twitter are still appearing on Facebook just fine. We therefore believe this is an issue from Facebook’s side of things," it said. The Next Web cited posts on Facebook's Community Forum, where one user complained that page updates were not posting to the Twitter account it was linked to. One user speculated Facebook may have done this on purpose, even as others suggested using alternatives such as HootSuite. "(But) this of course doesn’t mean that all Facebook users who have their accounts linked to Twitter are affected," The Next Web said. — LBG, GMA News

Tags: facebook, twitter