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Pinoy photographer portrays himself as a quarantined superhuman

What if you were a superhero stuck in quarantine?

In a show of skill, Filipino photographer Michael Perfecto portrayed himself as a home-bound superhuman in a photo set.

From "bending water" while doing laundry, to "floating on air" as he scrolls through his phone, Michael can be seen doing ordinary human chores extraordinarily since he can't go out of his house amid the health crisis.

With the help of his sister, Michael was able to finish the photo series in a week.

But in an interview with GMA News Online, Michael said the real superheroes are the frontliners battling the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

"I have no idea if my photos translate to anything like that but me personally I want to say thank you to them," he said. "They're the reason I'm at home and I'm able to do something like this."

He added that he hopes seeing the photo set would brighten their day a little bit.

—JCB, GMA News