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'Game of Thrones' actor tells Medical City frontliners: 'Bayani po kayong lahat'

British actor Miltos Yerolemo, who played Arya Stark's swordfighting teacher Syrio Forel in hit series "Game of Thrones," has a special message for health workers in Medical City.

In a video posted on the Medical City Facebook page, Miltos shared that his friend's father, Johnny Hubilla, recently passed away due to the disease. The family, however, would never forget the bravery and support they got from the Medical City staff.

"His family told me of the care your team gave him and the brave work you do for all your patients each and everyday," the actor said. "You face fatigue, shortages in supply and very real risk of infection. I want you to know that you, all of you, are their heroes."

Aside from giving thanks to the doctors who personally took care of Hubilla, Miltos also shared that the hospital staff is always in their prayers.

Speaking in Filipino, Miltos added, "Huwag po kayo susuko.  Bayani po kayo lahat. Maraming maraming salamat po."

Referencing one of his famous lines in "Game of Thrones", the actor said, "And remember, there is only one thing we say to the God of death: not today."

As of Thursday morning, over 1.46 million people have tested positive with COVID-19 globally. 86,000 people have died due to the disease.

—Kaela Malig/JCB, GMA News