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UNFPA launches ‘Here for Her’ program to empower women

Isn't it comforting and empowering every time we hear someone say, "I'm here for you?"

This comforting feeling of support and reassurance is exactly what has driven the United Nations Population Fund in the Philippines (UNFPA) to establish the "Here for Her" initiative just in time to celebrate International Women's Day. 

The Here for Her campaign is a call to action engaging all stakeholders to accelerate empowering women and girls to fully realize their rights and potential.

This flagship campaign also aims to promote commitment to end preventable maternal deaths, end unintended pregnancies, and prevent gender-based violence and other harmful practices.

"Women and girls are effective and powerful leaders and change-makers for climate adaptation and mitigation," said Dr. Leila Sajii Joudane, UNFPA country representative to the Philippines, during the media launch of the Here for Her campaign on Tuesday.

"Climate change is not gender-neutral. [On the contrary,] it is a multiplier of existing inequalities and vulnerabilities," she added.

During humanitarian crises, UNFPA upholds the health and dignity of women and girls by preventing and responding to gender-based violence, addressing the delivery of emergency reproductive health kits, and ensuring safe childbirth. – RC, GMA News