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KC keeps in touch with mom Sharon amid pandemic: 'We just show our love in different ways'

KC Concepcion opened up about her relationship with her mother Sharon Cuneta in an interview with Tim Yap LIVE! on YouTube.

"My mom and I, especially through this whole pandemic, we just show our love in different ways," KC said.

According to KC, she and her mother Sharon have been sending each other food — their "way of expressing love through gifts."

"I think my mom and I, in a way have the same love language, where we like to give  each other gifts and I miss her. I love her so much. I think she's an amazing mom," she added.

Despite understanding the fact that most of the members of their family are public figures, KC said she thinks everything that's been happening within their family should stay within them.

"Lahat ng nangyayari sa amin is amongst — that should stay in the family and just like any family, no one is perfect. We go through rough bumps along the way just like any family. The only difference is we're so public," she said.

KC said she just wants to have a positive environment around her, and to give more importance to staying present as well as forgiveness.

"Everyday, you just want everything to be nice and light and happy and I'm not a perfect daughter. Nobody's perfect, but you know the important thing is what happens now and if there is lost time before — you know the important thing is to embrace each other's imperfections and forgive and be loving towards each other," she said.

KC said that in the future, when she already has her own family, she wants to "take away the best parts of our relationship and what I've learned from her as my mother and take all the good and put that in my future family because I really wanna have a happy life."

In January, Megastar Sharon took to Instagram to write a lengthy, three-post-long open letter for KC, after she missed her birthday celebration. — Jannielyn Ann Bigtas/LA, GMA News