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Fil-Canadian woman shares how she got ‘Mama Bear’ back with help of Ryan Reynolds

The Filipino-Canadian owner of “Mama Bear” has said she wouldn’t get the stuffed toy back if it wasn’t for Ryan Reynolds’ help.

“If it wasn’t for him then nobody would care about a little story like this,” Mara Soriano told Oscar Oida on “24 Oras” Thursday.

Mama Bear was a gift to Mara from her mom, who died of cancer last year. The stuffed toy was inside Mara’s bag which was stolen while she was moving into a new place in Vancouver.

Mara’s Twitter post about the lost teddy bear immediately went viral, reaching news sites, social media users all over the world, and even “Deadpool” star Ryan Reynolds.

The actor helped in the search by offering a cash reward to the person who could find the toy, which played a recording of Mara’s mom’s voice.

Four days after the bear went missing, Mara said she received an email from “the good Samaritan” who had found it. According to her, he saw the CCTV posted on her Twitter, read the news, and recognized the person who stole her bag.

“He met us at a safe space and handed her over and it was as easy as that. I got her right back,” said Mara.

“He said he put himself in danger for it and I’m very grateful to him. I believe him. We didn’t involve the police, it’s just very straightforward. Ryan Reynolds already gave him the reward money,” she added.

Mara said she’s thankful to everyone who helped her find Mama Bear, but most especially to Ryan Reynolds.

“Deadpool! He’s been so kind, we’ve been DM-ing on Twitter, and all he’s had to say were kind words about how my mom will always love me, how I will always carry her with me with or without the bear. It’s been very overwhelming. I’m very grateful,” she said.

Mara is happy that Mama Bear is back. When the toy went missing, she said it brought back the pain of her mother’s death.

“It feels like noong namatay siya rin, you know, it feels like I lost her again. She gave it to me as an important reminder of who she was and I lost it so I was really devastated,” said Mara.

An excerpt of her mom’s message says: “Mahal na mahal kita. Always remember that. You made Mommy so proud.”

“She really wanted to give me a reminder of home … and it brings me closer to my Filipino culture because the message is in Tagalog and I really loved that,” said Mara. – RC, GMA News