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Kris Bernal on getting pregnant: 'We aren't planning to have a baby just yet'

Kris Bernal opened up about getting pregnant months after she tied the knot with her husband Perry Choi.

On Instagram, Kris shared a video of herself and used a filter that tells people what they should do in 2022.

When she used the filter, Kris revealed that she got "In 2022, I should get pregnant."

In the caption, Kris said she has been asked about getting pregnant ever since she got married.

"We aren't planning to have a baby just yet, but we aren't actively trying to prevent it either," she wrote in the caption of her post.

"Of course, I adore children and aspire to have my own," she added.

Kris said she and Perry are "just the type of couple who plans big life events and be organized."

"We don't want to end ourselves in a situation where we're like, 'Whoops, that was quick, we're not quite ready,'" she wrote.

"Because of the pandemic, we haven't been able to travel or go on adventures as much as we would want," she added.

Kris said before their family grows into three "we aim to go to many of the countries on our bucket list."

"We also want a bigger house before having a baby, which is currently in the works," she added.

 According to Kris, she is aware that "all this baby stuff is also expensive and our finances might be a bit stretched for a while."

"Work continues to pour in, so I'm going to try to make the most of it while it lasts," she added.

However, Kris said "if it comes a surprise, then so be it."

"In God's perfect timing. God’s timing is impeccable. His plans, always. On the other side, I'm looking forward to having a mini Perry," she added.

Kris and Perry tied the knot last September in a fairytale-themed wedding. —JAB, GMA News.