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Chesca Garcia mourns mother's death: ‘Everything I know and everything I am is because of you’

Chesca Garcia mourns mother's death: ‘Everything I know and everything I am is because of you’

Chesca Garcia is heartbroken over the death of her mother, Bing Velasco. She was 70.

On Instagram, the former actress shared photos of her mom, as well as of them together and wrote a lengthy message honoring her.

“I will miss you so much, Mommy,” Chesca said. “I am grateful for all the precious days I spent with you.”

“You were never selfish with your time, always accompanying me to the bathroom so our conversations wouldn't be interrupted,” she added.

Chesca went on to remember the precious moments she spent with her mom, including holding her hand and “walking arm in arm” when they were together.

"Everything I know and everything I am is because of you,” she said.

“I learned how to be a mom and a wife because you were my prime example, always excelling in everything you did,” she added.

In the latter part of her post, Chesca said she’s looking forward “to the excitement of Heaven, where one day we will reunite with all our loved ones.”

“You can never outgive a parent who kept on giving,” she said.

“I know this because I have been blessed to experience it,” she added.

Chesca’s husband, Doug Kramer, also honored his mother-in-law in a separate post, calling her, “The OG, the coolest grandma, the funniest.”

Doug and Chesca have been married since 2008. They have three kids: Kendra, Scarlet, and Gavin.



— Hermes Joy Tunac/LA, GMA Integrated News