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Roasts and other meat dishes for the family this Christmas

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Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Let’s be real here, Christmas food is half of the reason why the holiday season here in the Philippines is so awesome. You have the usual favorites like the timeless Christmas Jamon and Queso de Bola of pure edam goodness. Also, there are families that have a tradition that they follow to the letter when preparing for Noche Buena.

This year, though, let’s try something different for the holiday season. We’re talking about steak and other meat dishes that you can include in your Noche Buena feast for this year. Below, we have several dishes that will not just fit right with the holiday season but will also make everyone want for more, not just your carnivore loved ones.

Filipino-Style Pork Ribs

Who wouldn’t love drop-dead-delish, fall-off-the-bone tender ribs? This dish will surely be a big hit in your family, considering that it has a special and very Filipino ingredient: banana ketchup! No worries, though, the ketchup only further accentuated the flavors of this ribs recipe.

Find the recipe here

Standing Rib Roast

A bit on the premium side, ingredients considering, and looks very daunting to cook, something that only chefs who star in TV shows might be able to pull off. However, this dish will surely be the star of your family Noche Buena, with its astounding flavors and delish taste. Also, remember that you’re not an ‘idiot sandwich,’ so you got this.

Find the recipe here

Cheeseburger Sliders

The ultimate party food! Sliders will bring the joy out of every feast that it becomes part of, that’s for sure. The only challenge though is that an extra batch in reserve is always a necessity because your family will surely want more.

Find the recipe here

Chicken Galantina

Traditionally prepared for Noche Buena, Chicken Galantina is also called Rellenong Manok, like the milkfish variant. This dish is a boneless stuffed chicken filled with ground pork, boiled eggs, raisins, hotdogs, and other special ingredients.

Find the recipe here

Crispy Pork Shoulder

While the pork belly is usually the part that’s oven-roasted at home for the holidays, the shoulder is no slouch either when it comes to flavor. Just be sure to pick a slab of shoulder with an ample amount of fat and skin.

Find the recipe here

All about the ingredients

Chef Sau del Rosario talking about the importance of quality ingredients
Chef Sau del Rosario talking about the importance of quality ingredients

“Good food comes from good ingredients.” shared Chef Sau del Rosario, a successful restaurant owner and TV host. True enough, all the preparation and effort done for dishes will be for naught if you don’t use topnotch ingredients. You can never be too safe nowadays, with all the safety concerns we’ve all heard on the news, especially when meat is concerned.

This is where trusty American meat comes in the picture. High quality red meat was the belle of the show at 5 Star Night: A Celebration of American Meat, held at Topshelf, BGC last November 21, 2019. Made possible by the US Meat Export Federation and partner restaurants Fireside, Mimi & Bros., and Jin Joo Korean Grill, 5 Star Night aimed to showcase the quality and safety of American meat.

Guests were in for a culinary treat at 5 Star Night: A Celebration of American Meat
Guests were in for a culinary treat at 5 Star Night: A Celebration of American Meat

Moreover, Chef Sau shared that while most families strive to have Noche Buena at home, some are opting to have food delivered instead of preparing it themselves. Chef Gigi Canlas, owner of Fireside, on the other hand, noticed that more and more families are eating out on the holidays.

“We’re really busy during the holidays. Peak season namin during the holiday,” shared Chef Gigi. She also noticed that people are also now paying attention to the aesthetics of the restaurant itself and not just the food. This trend can be seen in the rise of food photography online, primarily on social media. Though, wherever and whatever the food is, we’re sure that your Christmas will be awesome if you spend it with your loved ones.