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Here's how to make Ken Chan's homemade tuyo pasta

Tuyo has long been a staple in Filipino households. You can partner it with rice, a hot bowl of champorado, and apparently, even pasta.

To get a taste of homemade tuyo pasta, Ken Chan showed viewers a step-by-step guide in how to make the dish during the live online cooking show "ECQusina" on Friday.

According to the actor, all you'll be needing are pasta, tuyo, tomatoes, garlic, lemon, unsalted butter, olive oil, and atsuete oil.

Since the pasta will be oil-based, the first step is to melt the unsalted butter with olive oil in a pan. Once it's melted, simply turn off the stove and let the mixture cool down for at least five minutes.

While the butter cools down, slice the tomatoes into thin, long strips. You can add as many tomatoes as you want, depending on your taste, Ken said.

After adding the tomatoes into the pan, grab a bottle of tuyo sauce and get a few teaspoons of its oil to add flavor to the sauce.

Ken, who studied culinary classes back in college, shared that he preferred using bottled tuyo since he wouldn't have to meticulously remove the bones of the fish. With the bottle, simply pour the processed pieces of tuyo in the pan and mix it all together.

While the tuyo sauce is cooking, place the pasta in boiling water to cook it up. While the pasta is cooking, add olive oil and salt to add flavor.

Add sliced garlic to the sauce and squeeze a lemon over it to remove any bad fish taste.

Once the pasta is soft enough for your taste, drain the pot. However, don't forget to get a few scoops of the stock to add to the tuyo mixture for more flavor.

Once the stock has been added, add a few teaspoons of atsuete oil and basil to add color and flavor to the pasta.

Mix the tuyo sauce and the pasta all together, and voila! You have yourself a delicious tuyo pasta for merienda.

"ECQusina" is an online show hosted by Kara David that goes live on Facebook every week where she teaches viewers how to make tasty dishes just with daily grocery items. 

Other celebrities who have appeared in the show are Katrina Halili and Jelai Andres.

—Kaela Malig/JCB, GMA News