
Four simple steps to protect yourself from dengue

The rainy season has officially started, and with it come the creeks filling up, puddles forming everywhere, and rainwater collecting in empty receptacles. While this may seem like good news after experiencing a water shortage earlier this summer, this also means that the excess accumulation of water can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes. These insects thrive in wet areas like uncovered vats of water, which is why the rainy season becomes the perfect time for mosquito-borne diseases like dengue to spread.

Health Secretary Francisco Duque III stated that a spike in the number of dengue cases is likely to occur this year, basing on Department of Health (DOH) study that shows an increase in dengue cases every three years.

The latest figures from the Epidemiology Bureau of the DOH show that from January to June this year, more than 87,000 cases have already been reported. Of this total, 2,256 occurred between June 2 to 8. The data records close to 400 deaths already, with Region VI tallying the highest number of cases and deaths.

Without a doubt, dengue is a deadly disease and everyone should be vigilant, not just in preventing it from spreading, but in watching out for its symptoms as well.


Because of these dire circumstances, DOH is seeking to strengthen the call to prevent dengue by disseminating and applying the 4S strategy for households. In fighting dengue, one needs only to remember the 4S’s:

  1. Search and destroy mosquito breeding sites
  2. Secure self-protection
  3. Seek early consultation, and
  4. Support fogging/spraying to prevent an impending outbreak.

Search and destroy mosquito breeding sites

Look for places where mosquitoes breed. These are usually places where water accumulates and becomes stagnant, such as old bottles, basins, trash bins, or old tires. Always empty them out, clean them up, and keep them dry. Clean parts of the house where water may not drain thoroughly like gutters on the roof, gardens, bathrooms, and washing areas. Make sure they are clean and dry so that mosquitoes cannot lay eggs and breed.



Secure self-protection

Doors and windows of your homes should have screens so that mosquitoes and other insects can be kept out of the house. Use mosquito nets when sleeping and wear clothes like pants and long sleeved shirts to prevent mosquito bites. If you are in a place where mosquitoes are rampant, make sure to use insect repellent.



Seek early consultation

If you have a fever or have any of the signs and symptoms of dengue, consult a health professional or go to the nearest health center as soon as possible. Keep yourself hydrated and eat healthy food. Do not self-medicate.



Support fogging/spraying to prevent an impending outbreak

Be aware of possible mosquito breeding grounds in your community like creeks or garbage piles in empty lots. These can harbor stagnant water where mosquitos breed. Notify your barangay or town officials who can carry out clearing or fogging operations to help the community get rid of mosquitos.

Since dengue is transmitted through mosquito bites, the more you rid your surroundings of mosquitoes and their breeding grounds, the safer you are from dengue. Simply remember the 4S strategy for the safety of your family as well as your community.

For more information, call the Department of Health:

You can also visit their website or their Facebook and Twitter pages: OfficialDOHgov.

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