
Get your kids excited for school and sports

Get your kids excited for school and sports

School is back in session! Kids are probably eager to personally see their friends and teachers, get back to their regular pre-pandemic extracurricular activities, and experience life beyond the limits of their homes. With this newfound enthusiasm, now might also be the perfect time to encourage them to take up a sport they like.

The perks of playing sports

It's rewarding to see your kids being happily active and getting the exercise they need to stay healthy and strong. Organized sports develop your kids’ physical skills, as well as  teach them valuable life lessons: to be resilient, patient, sociable, and hardworking.  Introduce your kids to as many activities as possible! With your guidance, they will find the right sport that they will love above all the others. Make sure to strike a balance between giving them the freedom to simply enjoy the games and pushing them to reach their full potential.

Champion athletes need champion nutrition

As your future champion athletes return to face-to-face schooling, they need nutritious energy to help boost their academic and athletic performance. Aside from getting exercise and enough sleep, healthy eating should be a top priority.

What your kids eat in a day affects how they perform and concentrate in classes and in their activities. Give them the right mix of healthy food groups like whole grain bread or rice with servings of fruits and vegetables, packed with protein-rich foods like chicken, eggs, or tuna.

You can also support their energy levels by drinking MILO® every day.  MILO®’s delicious mix of milk, malt barley, and energy-releasing nutrients, together with a healthy diet, exercise, and sufficient sleep, can give your kids the much-needed energy to do well in school and in sports.

Making school and sports experiences more fun

MILO® hopes to show school kids all over the Philippines that sports are fun and fulfilling no matter their age or skill level. Together with champion coaches from different fields, MILO® fosters a healthy sports experience among school kids and their parents through a series of exciting programs in different schools in South Luzon. Check out their back-to-school activities in the photos below!


It’s important for your children to take in the recommended calorie intake and the right amount of energy-giving foods depending on how active they are. This can make all the difference between a good athlete and a champion athlete!

If you’re interested in giving the best training to your champion athletes, follow MILO®’s Facebook page for more nutrition tips and champion stories!

Tags: Sports, Milo, energy
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