
A mom’s love is more than words

A mom's love is more than words

There’s a reason why there are so many who don’t doubt the love moms have for their children. It isn’t only because they constantly tell their kids they love them, but because a love in action is powerful validation. Moms have different love languages and they all show how love is not a word, it’s an act.

A mother’s touch

The most overt sign of love is physical touch. Physical affection is powerful in connecting mother and child especially in their early years. It is a child’s first exposure to feeling loved even without the words.

Mom’s hug makes us feel better when we’re blue. A child feels better when mom gives his scraped knee a kiss. Mom’s affection eventually becomes the comfort that can soothe our pain.


Love makes time

Time is one of the most important resources we have. This is why spending time with the kids is a powerful way to show how much we care.

While it is true that quality time and being fully present in the moment is important, there is also something to be said about the quantity of time we spend.

Whether it’s making time for your child’s important milestones or simply hanging out on an ordinary day, the length of time spent can contribute to the feeling of knowing that you are a constant in their lives. Go ahead and keep each other’s company even in silence or be around each other as you both do your own thing.

A tummy full of love


The love language of food and sustenance has always been a part of Filipino culture. For mothers, this possesses an added dimension. Giving their children something to eat or drink is not just comforting or celebratory, it is nourishing. Proper nutrition is very important for preparing toddlers and growing up kids for a healthy future.

Giving their child a daily glass of milk in the morning or right before bedtime has become a habit for many Filipino moms. For some, it has even become a practice passed on from generation to generation. This act of love has become timeless in showing the extra care and protection moms want for their children.

For more than 50 years, NIDO® 3+5+ has been supporting Filipino moms to help them give their growing children a healthy future. Providing the right nutrients for specific age stages like probiotics that can help give kids better protection against sickness like cough and colds are only some of the benefits a glass of NIDO® 3+5+  can provide. This additional support along with proper diet and exercise is the “I love you” that protects.

All moms are #1 moms

There are so many ways that moms show us love. In return, NIDO® 3+5+ has a legacy of honoring moms through the language of music.

The iconic song “You’re My #1” continues to celebrate the special bond between a mom and her child. For years, it has been sung from the point of view of the mother, but for the past two years, NIDO® 3+5+ has shifted to a child’s gaze in awe of every little act of love moms do for them. We are reminded that, more than words, it is through these acts that love speaks the loudest. 

This Mother’s Day, “You’re My #1” is delicately woven through the popular Alamid song “Your Love”. As child sings to mother and mother sings to child, we are reminded that the love that protects is why mom is our number one.


Moms may wonder if their kids understand that their actions are borne out of love, as shown in the NIDO® 3+5+ online film that accompanies the song. It brings scenes that capture how moms show their love even without words, through the song that sings appreciation and acknowledgment for their acts of selflessness.

In the video, we see how a large part of the everyday life of moms are spent with their kids. The act of making time for them even when moms are busy with other aspects of life, like working from home. Her hugs and the kisses that are always present to make her kids feel better. How protecting them from hurt comes instinctively and instantly.

Throughout the film, we see the constant theme of moms always giving extra effort to make their kids feel loved, showing actions that break through communication barriers between mother and child.

You can watch Nido’s touching tribute here:

You can also watch it on Facebook and TikTok.

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Mother’s Day is just one of the days to show mom your love. Show her how she’s number one every day.

NIDO® 3+5+  is intended for healthy children 3 years old and above. It is not suitable for infant feeding and is not a breastmilk substitute.


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