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5 ‘Captain Marvel’ questions we're asking as we wait for 'Avengers: Endgame'

The high-flying, energy-blasting, Skrull-smashing “Captain Marvel” has officially touched down in Philippine theaters. (Spoiler alert: We really, really liked the movie.)

Aside from being the first female-led film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it also gave us an interesting glimpse of the '90s, a significant yet seldom explored period in the franchise’s history.

While "Captain Marvel" answers a handful of our most burning questions about the MCU (including how a certain somebody lost a certain vital organ), it leaves viewers with a few new puzzles to ponder, especially considering the fact that Carol Danvers has been confirmed to play a major role in “Avengers: Endgame.”

As we wait with bated breath for the coming of “Avengers: Endgame” this April, let’s take a moment to tackle five of the most pressing dilemmas that Carol and company will have to face less than two months from now.

1. Clash of champions: How well will Carol be able to play with the rest of the Avengers?

Every single time a new hero joins the ranks of the Avengers, it always involves the team being caught in some sort of earth-shaking catastrophe. Carol’s possible induction into Earth’s Mightiest Heroes after the Decimation (or, as I like to call it, the “Snapocalypse”) is definitely no exception.

Summoned by Nick Fury right before he was turned into dust, Carol’s arrival will certainly be timely, as the Avengers will need all the help they can get to undo the damage Thanos has wrought upon the universe.

However, one can’t help but wonder exactly how well Carol will be able to play with the rest of the Avengers. As confirmed by Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, Carol is the MCU’s heaviest hitter, making her a valuable addition to the team. But she has yet to learn how to work well with Earth’s champions — and for a roster that already has a Captain, a brash and headstrong god, and a stubborn, sarcastic human as its founding (and surviving) members, Carol’s arrival may create new headaches while it solves existing ones.

2. Continuity complications: What's that doing in this movie?

Set firmly in the MCU’s past, “Captain Marvel” sheds light on a number of mysteries in the modern-day Marvel cinematic landscape, but presents a few events that seemingly contradict, or at the very least complicate, what we know about the MCU.

Let’s focus on the most important one: There’s a crucial plot point in “Captain Marvel” that involves… let’s just say a major artifact in the MCU and seeing it pop up in this film was surprising, to say the least.

Now, I sat down with my friends to determine exactly how this newly revealed chapter in that artifact’s history works within the context of the MCU, and I think we nailed it. Still, it took us a bit of thinking to figure that one out — and frankly, it wouldn’t be surprising if more continuity inconsistencies were to become apparent as more fans see the film.

3. Alien attack: Will we see the devastating impact of the snap on other interplanetary races? 

We all know that when Thanos snapped his fingers, half of the universe disappeared. He said so, after all. We don’t actually get to see it happen across the galaxies, though, as our eyes were focused on Earth’s defenders (and on trying not to cry as Peter Parker tearfully disintegrated in Tony Stark’s arms) at the end of “Avengers: Infinity War.”

The question is: Will we see the devastating impact of the snap on other interplanetary races, such as the Kree and the Skrulls? And more importantly, will we see them rushing to Earth to exact a pound of flesh from Thanos as retribution for his cosmic culling?


4. The Carol conundrum: How will she transition from space-faring soldier to Earth-bound Avenger?

It’s safe to assume that for the length of time we’ve been watching the events in the MCU take place, Carol hasn’t set foot on Earth in years. If that were the case, what would make her want to stay on Earth after all of this is done?

Fans are speculating that “Avengers: Endgame” will be the swan song of founding Avengers, and that a trio — could it be Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel? — will assume the roles that Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America may vacate.

But how can Carol do that if she decides to leave Earth after “Avengers: Endgame” (possibly after wrapping the charred Infinity Gauntlet around Thanos’ neck like a pretzel or something)? How will Carol transition from space-faring soldier to Earth-bound Avenger if there’s nothing here to make her decide to stay?

5. Where’s Goose?

Ask anyone who has seen “Captain Marvel,” and they’re likely to tell you that the adorable little feline Goose stole the show.

For such an endearing, fan-favorite character, though, Goose’s complete absence from the previous installments of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a bit hard to ignore. What happened to Goose after the conclusion of “Captain Marvel”? Why wasn’t Nick Fury carrying the curious cat with him when he recruited Tony Stark? Basically, why haven't we seen Goose in anything else yet? And will he be part of "Avengers: Endgame"?

While we probably won’t get any definite answers to these before “Avengers: Endgame" hits Philippine cinemas, it’s certainly fun to speculate. After all, it’s going to be a very, very long two-month wait. — LA, GMA News