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2016 indie docu 'Sunday Beauty Queen' will be streaming soon on YouTube

"Sunday Beauty Queen," a 2016 indie docu by Baby Ruth Villarama-Gutierrez, is getting a second wind amid the enhanced community quarantine.

The film's Facebook page announced that it will be streaming on YouTube starting May 15 due to popular demand.


"Sunday Beauty Queen" is an indie documentary entered in the 2016 Metro Manila Film Festival (MMF), that provides a peek into the realities of being an overseas Filipino worker (OFW) and the joy they get from joining beauty pageants there.

READ: 'Sunday Beauty Queen' an engaging peek into the lives of OFWs in Hong Kong

It follows five OFWs in Hong Kong who trade in their work clothes for colorful, bejewelled gowns every Sunday to participate in pageants.

—JCB, GMA News