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'The Umbrella Academy' Season 2 trailer reveals yet another impending apocalypse

"The Umbrella Academy" just dropped an epic trailer for Season 2, which premieres on Netflix this July 31.

It looks like the show isn’t holding back on the weird because the trailer gives us a glimpse of where the Hargreeves kids ended up after the first season's cataclysmic ending.


First, we find out that Number Five successfully got to travel back in time, but he seems to be alone. This place also goes to ruin as he tries to find his brothers and sisters, which is pretty similar to how his story started in Season 1.

Next, we see Klaus being surrounded by followers like some sort of cult leader.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any crazier, Ben seems to be alive! But can anyone see him?

Diego, on the other hand, appears to have ended up in an institution somewhere, while Vanya is seen having an interesting car ride with another new character.

Allison is also rocking a vintage look as she sits beside a new character, while Luther is seen in a fight-club like setting, putting his chemically-enhanced muscles to use.

For those who haven’t seen it, "The Umbrella Academy" follows the seven kids adopted by billionaire named Reginald Hargreeves who trains them to use their supernatural abilities to fight evil.

Season 1 ended in a disaster where Number Five had to save the day (sort of) by using his time-travelling powers to escape the end of the world and stop it from happening in the future.

But it seems that staving off the apocalypse isn't going to be that easy!

—Margaret Claire Layug/JCB, GMA News