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Is Zack Snyder's 'Justice League' worth four hours of your time?

Warning: Spoilers ahead!

After a clamor of fan petitions and a #ReleaseTheSynderCut campaign on Twitter, Zach Snyder finally released his version of "Justice League."

First of all, you should get really comfortable because the cut is over four hours long. We know what you're thinking: What could we possibly have missed out in the 2017 version for Snyder to release another film that's about two hours longer, and is it worth it?

Well, "Justice League: The Snyder Cut" retains much of the first cut by "The Avengers" director Joss Whedon, who stepped in after Snyder left the project mid-way.

One nice thing about the extended version is that it's less of a Batman and Wonder Woman show, with never-before-seen scenes revolving around the Flash (Ezra Miller), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) and Aquaman (Jason Momoa).

The first part of the film still begins with the unacceptable aftermath of Superman's death, only it doesn't just focus on how Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) and Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) team up and come up with a plan to get a team together.

The Snyder cut actually shows us how our other heroes have been going about their daily lives before they get the call, and Barry Allen a.k.a. the Flash's hilarious first encounter with his love interest, Iris West (Kiersay Clemons) is a personal favorite.

What about the fight scenes? To keep the spoilers to a minimum, we'll focus on one of the biggest scenes in the film that was the epic battle between the Justice League and a newly-resurrected Clark Kent (Henry Cavill).

Superman basically still kicks everyone's butts, only it takes a little bit longer until Lois Lane (Amy Adams) steps in and calms him down. Remember that golden scene where Wonder Woman, Cyborg and Aquaman try to get a hold of Superman, but he still manages to catch The Flash trying to sneak up on him? Something different happens just after, and it's just one of the many moments in the film that shine a spotlight on The Flash and Cyborg.

But perhaps the most crucial reason to watch Snyder's cut is the introduction of the villain Steppenwolf's boss, Darkseid. He obviously poses an enormous threat, and therefore opens up a tremendous amount of possibilities for the sequel.

Of course, we can't forget the return of Jared Leto's Joker (yeah, we were happy to see him in the trailer, too).

Batman's least favorite clown appears in a trippy dream sequence near the end. He gives Bruce a long, haunting speech about a "truce," and it honestly presents more questions than answers.

Despite all this awesomeness, some might pass on "Justice League: The Snyder Cut" for the sole fact that it's longer than a "The Lord of the Rings" movie, but Snyder actually divided the story into six chapters. This is great for bathroom and snack breaks, as well as our "just one more episode" binge-watching tendencies.

Others might also say "meh" to all the drama-heavy storytelling scenes that eventually lead to whatever the characters did in the first cut. Yes, a few minutes worth of new, mind-blowing fight scenes with special effects might be great, but don't act like you wouldn't watch deleted scenes if they were posted on YouTube.

In short, go ahead and give "Justice League: The Snyder Cut" a play. It's available on HBO GO. —JCB, GMA News