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Unique bouquet ideas to give your loved ones this Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is just around the corner!

If you haven't thought of anything to give your loved ones yet, you can get creative with your bouquets as seen on Unang Hirit's report on Tuesday.

In the report, Lyn Ching and Suzi Entrata shared some unique bouquet ideas to those who are planning to make their loved ones feel special this coming Valentine's Day.

Aside from the usual money bouquet, cookie bouquet, gulay bouquet, and ihaw-ihaw bouquet, Lyn and Suzi said you can also DIY bouquets using cloth towels, tissue papers, or recycle used ribbons from gifts.

Meanwhile, if you don't have the time to do DIY bouquets, YanneOnlineShop makes 2-in-1 teddy bear- and unicorn-shaped bouquets.

Its owner Margarett Cheng said the package includes fairy lights, a box, and a ribbon.

Margarett said you can choose to have it delivered straight to your loved one's address on Valentine's Day.

The 2-in-1 bouquet's price ranges from P100 to P1000.

Meanwhile, there are also soaps shaped as roses which you can also give as a bouquet priced at P350/each. —JAB, GMA News.