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Lacson: Billions for PhilHealth stalled due to lack of guidelines from DOH

Billions of pesos from the government’s amusement and gaming operations have yet to be remitted to the Universal Health Care program because the Department of Health has yet to issue guidelines for the UHC’s funding appropriations, Senator Panfilo Lacson said on Wednesday.

During the plenary deliberations on the DOH’s proposed P212.7-billion budget for 2021, Lacson said the UHC law provides that 50% of the national government’s share in the income of the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp. should be remitted to the Philippine Health Insurance Corp.

However, the Bureau of Treasury has yet to release P17.3 billion PAGCOR because of the lack of guidelines from the DOH.

“DOH is the one in charge in issuing the operational guidelines. That’s why BTr cannot yet remit P17.73 billion. That’s only for Pagcor. When can you finish the crafting of the operational guidelines? Malaki rin ito, P17 billion, sayang,” Lacson said.

“Walang nire-remit kasi walang guidelines. They are waiting for DOH to finish the operational guidelines so they can remit the amount for UHC,” he added. -NB, GMA News