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Ketchup, sauces maker NutriAsia plans to vaccinate workers for free

Condiments and sauces maker NutriAsia Inc. on Wednesday announced its plan to vaccinate its workers for free.

In a statement, NutriAsia said it will be providing free COVID-19 vaccines to its employees as well as their qualified dependents “to protect them and safeguard their good health.”

The company noted that the implementation of its planned vaccination program will follow government regulations and guidelines.

It added it is currently in the process of finalizing the vaccine brand it will purchase. It further said the vaccination is voluntary.

NutriAsia noted that it will secure the vaccine in accordance with the guidelines of Emergency Use Authorization and Inter-Agency Task Force directives.

The budget for the vaccination plan is still being finalized. However, the company  said it will be within the limits set by regulations, but is “prepared to protect its employees at all cost.”

“A staple on every Filipino table, NutriAsia and its brands are wholeheartedly committed to aid our national government in its pursuit to fight COVID-19 and its effects. We are choosing to proactively be part of the solution to end the worst public health crisis in a century with the decision to give our employees and three of their qualified dependents the option to be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus,” said Joselito Campos Jr., chairman of NutriAsia.

“Knowing that family is at the heart of any person, we feel that extending the vaccination option to our employees’ dependents will give our people peace of mind with the assurance of their loved ones’ health and safety,” he added.

“This is important as our employees continue to help rebuild the economy through invaluable frontline work at NutriAsia by providing basic food products for their countrymen” he further said.

The Vaccination Program Act of 2021, signed into law by the President last month, allows private entities, in cooperation with the Department of Health and the National Task Force Against COVID-19, to purchase vaccines for their own use through a multiparty agreement.

Vaccine czar Carlito Galvez Jr. earlier clarified that it is not requiring the private sector to donate a portion of the COVID-19 vaccines it will procure to the national government.—AOL, GMA News