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Aboitiz Group launches startup to consolidate data science, AI ops

Aboitiz Group on Thursday launched a new subsidiary aimed at consolidating data science and artificial intelligence (AI) operations across its businesses.

At a virtual briefing, Aboitiz Group introduced Aboitiz Data Innovation (ADI), which will consolidate its data science and operating model across the group and “promote a data-driven culture across the organization.”

Its chief responsibility is to transform data into business outcomes, exploit information to make better decisions, reinvent business models, and develop high-value solutions to create new processes, products, and services.

“Aboitiz Data Innovation represents a natural progression for us that is consistent with how Aboitiz has adopted new approaches and expertise over the years,” said Sabin Aboitiz, Aboitiz Group president and chief executive officer.

“Embracing data science and AI opens us to new and bigger opportunities to accelerate productivity, drive business value, and generate new revenue streams. At the same time, it is a crucial step in preparing our team members for the future of work by equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to be highly valued contributors to the fourth industrial revolution,” Aboitiz said.

In 2021, Aboitiz introduced data science, AI, and machine learning courses to its group wide learning and development curriculum with the goal of helping its people across all its strategic business units (SBUs) gain better understanding of how data science and AI can help in their businesses.

“Aboitiz Data Innovation’s (ADI) key focus is to create competitive advantages for Aboitiz Group’s various business units through the adoption and application of data science and AI (DSAI) solutions,” said David Hardoon, ADI managing Director.

“The team is uniquely placed as we have access to and are already building solutions across the various industries that the group operates in, such as banking and financial services, manufacturing, power generation and distribution among others. Having this multi-industry experience enables ADI to operationalize data science and AI and develop solutions for business problems as well as explore innovative ideas for tackling future challenges,” Hardoon said.

The next phase in ADI’s development is to serve as a single contracting entity for data science and AI collaborations with local and Singapore-based counterparts and, over the long-term, handle external DSAI products and services, according to Hardoon.

For now, the company will take the lead in building the Aboitiz Group’s capacity in data science and AI through demonstration, awareness, enablement, and ecosystem partnership.

Aboitiz Group is also collaborating with Singapore’s Economic Development Board (EDB) to deepen ADI’s footprint in Southeast Asia by leveraging the diverse network of multinational businesses and organizations located in what is widely considered as the center of innovation in Asia.

“The Aboitiz Group’s decision to site ADI in Singapore is testament to our position as a hub for innovation in Asia, and deepens our talent and innovation linkages with the Philippines,” said Dino Tan, vice president and head of Family Businesses at EDB. 

“ADI will create opportunities for our local talent and research ecosystem to collaborate with Aboitiz in developing innovative solutions that will contribute to the growth of their businesses in the Philippines and across Southeast Asia,” Tan said.

By being located in Singapore, Hardoon said ADI is eyeing to tap on the country’s local ecosystem and talent, seek out prospective partners, and become a major asset in the data science community. — BM, GMA News