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SSS to cover state-run PTV's job-order employees

SSS to cover state-run PTV's job-order employees

Over 600 job-order workers of the government-run People's Television Network will be covered by the Social Security System, the state pension fund said on Friday.

According to the SSS, JO cameramen, production assistants, reporters, and newscasters will be covered by social security under its KaSSSangga Collect Program.

The PTV JO workers will add to the 430,000 JO and contract of service workers in 3,197 local government units (LGUs), national government agencies, state universities and colleges (SUCs), and local water districts already covered by the SSS program.

SSS president and CEO Rolando Ledesma Macasaet and PTV general manager Analisa Puod signed an agreement on May 16, 2024.

“We laud the initiative of PTV to help their JO workers secure their future and prepare for their retirement by becoming SSS members. We thanked PTV for allowing their JO workers to get the social security protection they deserve,”  Macasaet said.

Puod thanked the SSS for the partnership which will help PTV's workers who have been with the network for over a decade save for their retirement.

Under the KaSSSangga Collect Program, PTV JO workers would be registered as self-employed. PTV can collect and remit the monthly contributions of its JO workers through a salary-deduction scheme.

Government JO workers are not covered by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) due to their employment status.

As self-employed SSS members, JO workers will gain access to a comprehensive range of social security benefits, such as sickness, maternity, disability, retirement, funeral, and death benefits. 

They can also apply for SSS loan programs such as salary and calamity, providing them with financial security in various life situations.

On top of SSS benefits, JO workers of PTV will also get additional coverage from the Employees’ Compensation Program (ECP) for work-related sickness, disability, or death. —NB, GMA Integrated News

Tags: SSS, PTV, job order