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Cybercrimes, fraud committed via messaging apps –Globe exec

Cybercriminals and online fraudsters were committing their crimes using messaging apps to circumvent the SIM Registration law, a Globe Telecom Inc. executive said on Tuesday.

In a statement, Globe General Counsel Froilan Castelo said that SIM registration establishes only the ownership of the SIM cards for purposes of readily determining accountability when cybercrimes and fraud are committed.

“It is only the first step towards an intricate and highly technical approach aimed at curbing online scams,” said Castelo.

However, he said that over-the-top (OTT) messaging and SIM cards issued by international telecom providers were used by criminals to “try to find a way to circumvent the law.”

Castelo said OTT messaging apps are beyond the control of Republic Act 11934, the SIM Registration law and other security protocols put in place by local telecommunications companies.

He said that OTT messaging refers to services that transmit messages over the internet, bypassing the traditional cellular network channels.

“The reason why we are in pursuit with other stakeholders is to be a step ahead of their schemes,” Castelo said.

The Globe official said the telco was committed to cooperating fully with the government’s efforts to crack down on all forms of online offenses.

Castelo also warned the public against selling registered SIM cards.

“We will actively work with the law enforcers in verifying the data on pre-registered sim cards which were confiscated during their operations, and we will readily undertake proactive measures to prevent further commission of cybercrimes,” he said.

Globe also maintained a Stop Spam portal through which subscribers may report spam and scam messages they receive.

The telco is also working with the Philippine National Police in establishing the police force’s own spam and scam reporting system where the public may lodge text or call-related fraud.

“As proof of its desire to be a valuable partner of the government in curbing online scams, Globe is proud to report that it is the only telco that strictly blocks all person-to-person SMS with links, a measure it introduced in September last year," Castelo said.

"With this strict blocking protocol, Globe continues to reach a record high in its spam and scam SMS blocking with more than 2.2 billion from January to June 2023 alone.” — DVM, GMA Integrated News