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Presidential adviser seeks 50% capacity for dine-in, personal care services in Q4 2021

Presidential Adviser for Entrepreneurship Joey Concepcion on Sunday sought allowing 50% capacity for personal care services and dine-in services for restaurants which will cater to vaccinated people in the last quarter of 2021.

In an interview over Dobol B TV, Concepcion made the suggestion because he said establishments will not earn more income if they keep operating at 10%. 

"Eventually, sana sa fourth quarter natin, bandang October, November, at December, at least  sa tingin ko by 50% at that time," Concepcion said when asked about raising the capacity of dine-in services and personal care services to 30%.

(We hope in the fourth quarter, in October, November and December, at least it should be at 50%.)

"Ang lumalabas dito fully vaccinated lang naman. Puwede pa 'yan (capacity) itaas pa," he added.

(Fully vaccinated ones will only be allowed. It could still be increased.)

To ensure that there will be no surge of COVID-19 cases, restaurants may open more windows to create better ventilation, Concepcion said.

Under Alert Level 4, outdoor or al fresco dining services in restaurants and eateries would operate at a maximum of 30% venue/seating capacity regardless of vaccination status.

But indoor dining or dine-in services may be allowed at a limited 10% venue/seating capacity but only for individuals fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This would be in addition to their allowed outdoor or al fresco capacity.

The National Capital Region was placed under Alert Level 4 starting September 16. Based on the government's new guidelines, areas under Alert Level 4 — the second highest alert level in the new scheme — are those with COVID-19 case counts that are high or increasing while total beds and ICU beds are at high utilization rate.

The enforcement of the COVID-19 Alert Level 4 in the NCR could be extended for two more weeks after September if it would result in lower COVID-19 infections, National Task Force against COVID-19 spokesperson Restituto Padilla said Saturday.

As of Saturday, Philippines' nationwide COVID-19 tally is at 2,347,550 with 2,126,879 recoveries and 36,583 deaths. —KG, GMA News